Retail package design projects are generally exciting since retail poses a unique set of challenges. At Stan Agency, we design retail packaging for all kinds of mainstream and niche products. Our experience can help any product stand out on the shelf and draw increased sales figures.

Common Challenge Components for Retail Package Design

  • Saturated markets
  • Distinguishing the product without clichés
  • Setting up multiple product variations while maintaining branding
  • Online vs. in-store packaging

Research as a Custom Retail Packaging Design Firm

The first step in our retail package design process is research. We typically begin in the intended market for the product and study outwards from there, though the USA is a favorite. The team is looking for trends in that particular product field. We then either embrace these trends or actively avoid them through the rest of the retail package design process.

We also perform company and competitor analysis. By using all of this available data, we’re better able to serve our customers regardless of where they are. Obtaining the best standout retail packaging design involves knowledge.

Design Inspiration

With retail package design, most of our inspiration comes from the brand itself. Then we look to the product since many of them have unique selling propositions we can use in the packaging design as well. If neither of those is enough to provide a complete design, we will construct an inspiration board based on the retail product to focus all of the options.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

Our packaging design team is consistently able to produce innovative and unique retail package design concepts. The trick is narrowing it down to the best ideas. First, we check the plans against the brand guidelines. Then we examine which designs are too close or far away from the retail packaging trends of that niche. Other criteria may be used if there are still multiple designs.

Results of the Retail Package Design Process

Typically, companies are able to begin manufacturing the new packaging relatively quickly, though it does depend on having a manufacturer ready. New retail packaging designs often debut during marketing campaigns, which help drive sales figures higher in many company cases.

The Deliverable

  • One or more complete custom retail packaging designs
  • One creative custom label designs
  • Separate package design elements for reuse

All packages are customizable, so companies can obtain exactly the retail packaging design services that suit the company’s needs going forward.