Ludere Packaging

Luxury Packaging Design

  • Company:Ludere LLC
  • Location:USA, Washington
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Retail
  • 5.0 Review Ludere Packaging 100+ Reviews


Ludere desired a custom luxury packaging design. The company makes luxury disposable flatware, many pieces of which are recyclable. The company’s existing packaging was not meeting its expectations. Stan Agency eagerly took the challenge.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Creating a luxury feel in the traditionally non-luxury product
  • Eye-catching elements without gaudiness

Research as a Custom Luxury Packaging Design Firm

We researched existing luxury packaging designs form flatware extensively. During this research, we found that the more refined a packaging looked, the easier it was to sell. We also found information regarding the necessary packaging elements from competitor trends, including those made in the USA.

Bonus Challenge

The unique challenge with this project was creating a luxury feel for something many people do not consider a luxury product. Disposable flatware is typically viewed as the stuff for backyard BBQs or kids’ birthday parties. Creating a luxury packaging design required taking that into account.

Design Inspiration

Tradition surrounding flatware informed many design choices. We began drawing inspiration from Ludere’s existing branding. Then we looked at the product and how it could be incorporated. Finally, we examined the traditional luxury brands for elements that conveyed that feel without speaking to a specific industry.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The Stan Agency team produced several awesome luxury packaging design concepts. We checked the designs against Ludere’s branding. Then we moved into debating which ideas felt the most luxurious while still fitting with the concept of recyclability. We ended up picking the final design on its elegant simplicity.


The Ludere team appreciated the final luxury packaging design’s simplicity. The company team found a package producer close to its production plant. From there, the packaging entered the online market in select locations. Ludere recently let us know that the packaging was helping drive its successful marketing campaign.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom luxury packaging design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The final luxury packaging design bordered on minimalism. The centerpiece is the flatware. Surrounding it are elegant and timeless elements in a matching color. We look forward to working with Ludere again on its next project.
Ludere Packaging
Ludere Packaging
Ludere Packaging
Ludere Packaging
Ludere Packaging