VIV Packaging


  • Company:Viv
  • Location:USA, NY
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review VIV Packaging 100+ Reviews


Viv created a unique product model with its made to order hair care products. The company brought Stan Agency a custom order for packaging sleeve design that worked with all the product variations. We eagerly accepted the order and placed our top-rated design team on it.
Challenge Components
  • Niche market
  • Product variations
  • Suitable for mail

Audience Research

Our packaging sleeve design research began with Viv’s customers. Custom shampoo and conditioner are relatively new. Additionally, women tend to spend more on hair care. We needed to factor that into the completed packaging sleeve design.

Research as a Custom Packaging Sleeve Design Firm

We next looked at the hair care industry. We found some market trends towards minimalist design. We then examined some direct competitor packaging sleeve designs. We found the same minimalist trend and knew we wanted to avoid complete minimalism in our packaging sleeve design.

Bonus Challenge

The added challenge with this packaging sleeve design was creating packaging that worked with every product. This is a difficult request since colors tend to affect how the packaging sleeve design looks. We ultimately ended up with a classic design.

Design Inspiration

We knew we needed the packaging to work with numerous hair care product colors. We also considered Viv’s existing branding. Then we aggregated a list of packaging sleeve design possibilities. The design team then took these elements and got creative with the completed concepts.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The amazing design team turned in several professional packaging sleeve design concepts. We eliminated those that would not work with all the product colors. Then we considered which ideas were the most visually appealing.


The Viv representative loved the elegant packaging sleeve design. The company was quickly able to incorporate the packaging sleeve design into its assembly line. Viv recently reached back and advised it was experiencing positive feedback on the packaging.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom packaging sleeve design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed packaging sleeve design featured a black and white palette. We placed minimalist elements such as the label and website apart. This created visual interest. We look forward to assisting Viv again in the future.
VIV Packaging
VIV Packaging
VIV Packaging
VIV Packaging