VELVETTE Packaging


  • Company:Velvette Organics
  • Location:USA, Texas
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review VELVETTE Packaging 100+ Reviews


Velvette presented a unique custom order for Stan Agency. The company created a daily facial oil and needed professional facial oil packaging design services before it launched the product. Stan Agency accepted and placed our top-rated design team on the project.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Minimalist concept
  • Consumer favorites

Research as a Custom Packaging Design Firm

Our first facial oil packaging design step was investigating the industry. From there, we pulled several direct USA competitors’ facial oil packaging designs. We found that these packages tended to favor solid and illustrative styles.

Bonus Challenge

The challenge with this facial oil packaging design project was convincing customers to swap. Many people simply continue to use what they are familiar with, even when a better product exists. We needed to overcome that bias.

Design Inspiration

Our primary facial oil packaging design inspiration was the Velvette brand. The brand is minimalist. We also pulled other minimalist examples into our inspiration board. These supplied the basis for our facial oil packaging design.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The amazing team built several quality facial oil packaging design concepts. We eliminated those that were too loud. Then we added criteria for visual appeal. The group agreed on the winning facial oil packaging design unanimously.


The Velvette team loved the new facial oil packaging design. The company quickly manufactured the tubes and boxes. Recently, the Velvette team emailed Stan Agency the positive feedback from customers who switched to their brand.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom facial oil packaging design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed facial oil packaging design features a white to blush gradient. We then added the labeling overtop in serif fonts. The minimalist design was simply elegant. We look forward to assisting Velvette again.
VELVETTE Packaging
VELVETTE Packaging
VELVETTE Packaging