Ultaura Packaging


  • Company:Ultaura
  • Location:USA, Texas
  • Service:Branding, Packaging & Label design
  • Category:Retail
  • 5.0 Review Ultaura Packaging 100+ Reviews


Ultaura brought Stan Agency an exciting CPG/packaging design challenge. Ultaura aimed to market a gemstone water bottle in several markets, including the USA. The company needed custom packaging that helped them sell the water bottle, stand out, and still respected the tranquility many of their users seek.
Challenge Components
  • Niche market
  • Creating a new packaging tactic
  • Including the spiritual aspect

Research as a CPG Packaging Firm

As a premier CPG/packaging design firm, we dove deep into the market for specialty water bottles and gemstone bottles in particular. We discovered that minimalism is a common design theme and that many companies used tubes for packaging. This research also showed us how unique our design needed to be so Ultaura could stand out in the space.

Bonus Challenge

Gemstone water bottles are a highly niched market aimed at people who believe it will improve their overall wellness and, in some cases, spirituality. Consequently, we had to be careful about which colors and designs we picked. For this audience, flow and serenity tend to be paramount. The CPG/packaging design needed to fit their ideas.

Design Inspiration

The intended audience removed some design styles, such as pop art, from consideration immediately. However, that still left minimalism, abstraction, realism, and more for our CPG packaging design team to consider. The agency enjoyed the unique challenge and presented well over a dozen creative designs for consideration.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

With so many outstanding options, narrowing down possible CPG/packaging designs was difficult. We discarded those that used the brightest colors first since that might repel the audience. Then we worked the plans down until we arrived at an innovative design with beauty and simplicity.


The result was a sleek package featuring a dusky blue to white gradient. The lettering was minimalist in design, so it did not distract from the packaging. Since Ultaura debuted the gemstone water bottle with this design, its sales figures have increased. The CPG/packaging design has also helped them retain customers.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One tubular packing design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
Ultaura obtained one new packaging design for its gemstone water bottles. As they add more variations to their water bottle line, we’re excited to work with them on the various package designs so people can differentiate the distinct types. Stan Agency looks forward to what Ultaura produces next.
Ultaura Packaging
Ultaura Packaging
Ultaura Packaging