CECILE’S Packaging


  • Company:Helikon Canada Inc
  • Location:USA, NM
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Food & Drink
  • 5.0 Review CECILE’S Packaging 100+ Reviews


Cecile’s placed a cardboard packaging design custom order with Stan Agency. The company reimagined the Turkish delight. This unique sweet cardboard packaging design required attention to detail, and the Stan Agency team took care of it.
Challenge Components
  • Niche market
  • Conveying modern and traditional
  • Consumer taste wariness

Audience Research

Our first step was examining who buys Turkish delights. We looked at consumer profiles from markets from the USA to Canada. We found demographic trends, which were useful in targeting the cardboard packaging design.

Research as a Custom Cardboard Packaging Design Firm

We also examined market trends and direct competitors’ cardboard packaging designs. This research type helps our cardboard packaging designs stand out on shelves. For example, other packaging designs tended to only showcase the Turkish delight and showed nothing about the flavor.

Bonus Challenge

The added challenge with this cardboard design project was the consumer. Turkish delights are a specific treat that many people have tried and not liked. Cecile’s created a different treat. We needed to convey the modern twist with the cardboard packaging design.

Design Inspiration

The Turkish delight was our main inspiration. We find these sweets fascinating, and the mix of flavors is superb. We also incorporated several traditional style details into the cardboard packaging design. This created a lovely antique look.

Element Decisions

The big question consumers have about sweets is the flavor. We decided that element would be the primary consideration for the cardboard packaging design. However, the innovative design team disagreed on how to do this. We allowed everyone to make their own design decisions.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

Our professional team returned several cardboard packaging design concepts. We tested the ideas for branding. Then the group debated the ideas and which conveyed the flavors best while remaining traditional looking.


The Cecile’s team proclaimed the design perfect when they saw it. The company quickly placed the cardboard packaging design into production. The company released the product in Canada recently, which is going well.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • Three complete custom cardboard packaging designs
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed cardboard packaging design featured a Turkish delight filled shape representing the package flavor. We conveyed brand continuity using layout and font. The cardboard packaging design also featured traditional element accents. We look forward to working with Cecile’s again as the company expands.
CECILE’S Packaging
CECILE’S Packaging
CECILE’S Packaging
CECILE’S Packaging
CECILE’S Packaging