TMJ RELAX Packaging


  • Company:TMJ Relax
  • Location:USA, CA
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 5.0 Review TMJ RELAX Packaging 100+ Reviews


Countless people across the world suffer from TMJ Relax, an issue that causes intense and irritating jaw pain. Relief can be challenging to find and even harder to maintain. However, TMJ Relax provides FDA approved products to directly treat the painful symptoms of TMJ Relax. An effective medicine packaging design must attract attention without diluting the serious and clinical tone required to market medical devices.

Bonus challenge

TMJ Relax required an informative and professional medicine packaging design to effectively target customers suffering from the effects of TMJ Relax.


TMJ Relax is a serious medical condition and therefore, TMJ Relax products required a professionally developed packaging design with the same serious intent. The minimalist design details and neutral color scheme showcase the gravity of the issue and the quality of the product. Emphasis is given to clearly displaying the font and text so that potential customers can quickly comprehend key content.

Attractive medicine packaging design for seeking customers

Customers seeking out the TMJ Relax product are desperate for a powerful and effective form of treatment to relieve jaw pain. Through our use of graphics and clear, bold fonts, we prioritized the medical accolades of the product, most specifically highlighting the FDA approval and over-the-counter strength provided. The neutral tones of the background and usage of white space assisted in making these essential details easy to comprehend.


Using a unique mixture of in-depth industry knowledge and visual elements, we created a professional and appealing medicine packaging design that can easily grab the attention of potential customers suffering from TMJ Relax.
TMJ RELAX Packaging
TMJ RELAX Packaging
TMJ RELAX Packaging
TMJ RELAX Packaging