KDHL Packaging


  • Company:KDHL
  • Location:USA, Colorado
  • Service:Packaging & Label design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review KDHL Packaging 100+ Reviews


KDHL wanted to rebrand, so it brought Stan Agency the skincare packaging design project of its signature product. KDHL makes a 24-caret gold anti-aging serum. We accepted the project and our top-rated design team began work.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Conveying the USP
  • Consumer skincare claim wariness

Research as a Custom Skincare Packaging Design Firm

We began looking into KDHL’s target markets. This provided some unique trends in skincare beliefs. We also examined other 24-caret gold serum packages. This examination led to a trend list we wanted to avoid.

Bonus Challenge

The added challenge with this project was the consumer wariness. Skincare products in the USA are not required to prove they work definitively. The target client likely tried other products and was disappointed. We needed a skincare packaging design that convinced them KDHL was different.

Design Inspiration

We wanted to convey luxury. That’s what most people think of when they hear 24-caret gold. We examined the existing KDHL branding for reusable elements. We also collectively decided that we wanted to use minimalist principles within the concepts.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The professional design team created several innovative skincare packaging design concepts. We started by eliminating those that did not convey enough luxury. Then we moved into identifying the product that stood out in a shelf comparison test.


KDHL team members received the new skincare packaging design and loved it. The company already contracted a skincare packaging production company. KDHL has let us know that the skincare packaging design receives positive customer feedback.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom skincare packaging design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed skincare packaging design featured a soft gold tone. Accent lines matched between the bottle and the skincare packaging design. We enjoyed the project challenge. We look forward to working with KDHL again.
KDHL Packaging
KDHL Packaging
KDHL Packaging
KDHL Packaging