Galya Product line

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Galya Product line
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Galya Product line
Galya Product line
Galya Product line
Galya Product line

About Us

Galya Product line

Galya is a purpose-built cosmetic brand exclusively dedicated to women over 40. At that age, the skin changes, and there simply aren’t products that deliver consistent results for older skin. Galya took the challenge and developed several product lines to meet the needs of aging skin while still helping women feel comfortable in their skin.

Galya Product line
Galya Product line


Galya Product line Galya Product line
Galya Product line Galya Product line

Package Design

Galya Product line
Galya Product line
Galya Product line
Stan Branding Design Agency

Brand Voice

Galya speaks with a mature, feminine voice. The company uses a similar voice profile to its customer base and employs the slightly more knowledgeable friend approach when speaking. This approach creates a great connection between customers and Galya.

This brand voice also influences all product packaging designs. The product line design needed to match the characteristics of the brand voice so that it was consistent. That meant matching the current trends among older women.

Brand Identity

Galya uses a natural, muted color palette. This option both allows the product line to shine and matches the current trends amongst styles for older women. It also emphasizes that aging and change are natural, which resonated with Galya customers.

Galya also uses a minimalist branding plan. This approach allows Galya to reach a broader customer base through universal appeal. In addition, the minimalist approach led to clear packaging designs as well.

Brand Promise

Galya promises tailored skin products for women over 40 that actually work. The company delivers clean skincare meant for aging skin, which is not something its competition considers as often.

Galya envisions a world where every woman can access the skincare products they need to feel beautiful in their skin. Galya also believes this world will have less age-related stigma than the current one.

Brand Values

Beauty – Galya believes every woman is beautiful, and proper cosmetic products help that beauty shine. Galya embraces the diversity of beauty.

Wisdom – Galya recognizes that with age comes changes and wisdom. Therefore, Galya aims to honor each customer’s inherent wisdom.

Simplicity – Galya products are designed to be as simple as possible. The right ingredients and formulations don’t need a disguise or fillers.

Fun – Galya recognizes that cosmetics are fun and help many women. The brand maintains a fun aspect for all of its customers.

Brand Targeting

Galya targets women over 40 years old for its products. This limitation is due to the products’ formulations, which are intended for mature skin. While folks with younger skin can use it, it simply doesn’t deliver the same benefits.

Galya also targets women within the USA, where the company is currently based. It’s easiest to ship products within the USA, and local distribution is just ramping up for the company. These limitations are expected to be removed in the future.

Brand Position

Galya positions itself as an accessible skincare and cosmetic brand for women over 40. The company presents itself as a custom solution to the problems general cosmetics products cannot solve.

Customers tend to see Galya online first. This position is advantageous as it allows Galya more control of its positioning than products typically found first in stores. However, the company is working to transition.
