Cleaning Product line

About Brand

Mobi delivers a broad range of household chemicals and cleaning products to local, Arabic-speaking markets. The company has a long history in the region and extensive experience developing effective chemicals. Mobi is well-recognized but needed a brand image update.

Brand Colors

HEX #0147a9
HEX #195fb7
HEX #d71a1a
HEX #ecc916
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Cleaning Product line
Stan Branding Design Agency

Brand Voice

Mobi uses a friendly and helpful brand voice. The company knows it sells household cleaning products that help people maintain the most important part of their lives, their homes. Mobi aims to support these families and communities at every opportunity.

Mobi employs an accessible branding plan to ensure everyone feels comfortable using the products. In addition, the company delivers consistently helpful advice and timely product delivery to ensure it matches the goals of the communities Mobi serves.

Brand Identity

Mobi’s brand identity is based on practicalities. Therefore, the company needed to brand each of its product lines so that each was instantly recognizable on store shelves while maintaining individuality among the product lines. The result is a bold color palette on a standardized label design.

Mobi also needed to distinguish between various scents. The label includes spaces to add images so that representations of the scents can be added, like apples. The result is a consistent product packaging design that Mobi can customize as it expands into more household products or fragrances.

Brand Promise

Mobi helps families maintain their homes and keep their families healthy through exceptional products. Mobi products will meet or exceed expectations when used by families and cleaners in any household.

Mobi envisions a world where everyone can create a clean, healthy home for their families. The company believes household chemicals do not need to be expensive to work wonders and that everyone should be able to use them.

Brand Values

Value – Mobi is dedicated to providing value for the households it serves. Therefore, Mobe carefully crafts each product to maximize cleanliness with minimal effort.

Family – Household cleaners help families live safely and joyfully in their homes. Mobi helps people spend more time with their families in healthful daily environments.

Health – Cleaning is critical for health, so Mobi delivers household chemicals rated to combat various health threats. Every bottle helps families stay healthier.

Helpful – Mobi aims to be helpful, from research to dispensing advice. The company believes being useful in the community is the first step to building a better one.

Brand Targeting

Mobi is a brand in the Arab world, so the company advertises exclusively to that geographic location. The brand also focuses more on the female population since they make more of the household buying decisions for products like household chemicals.

Mobi is an accessible product, so targeting tends to focus on mid- to low-income levels. Since those in higher brackets are more likely to hire cleaners, this plan targets the major purchasing groups for household chemicals.

Brand Position

Mobi is ubiquitous in its market. The company uses a board branding and distribution plan so that its products are anywhere the customers are. This approach has benefited the company as much as the practical benefits of the products.
