• Company:German Capital Pharma GmbH
  • Location:USA, Washington
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 5.0 Review ORTHOFORTIN Packaging 100+ Reviews


Orthofortin offered a unique custom order to Stan Agency. The company creates supplements so people can live better lives and flourish without anxiety. It needed a complex packaging design for a new Vitamin B supplement. Stand Agency accepted the order.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Conveying the importance of the supplement
  • Consumer supplement wariness

Audience Research

Our first complex packaging design step was researching the audience for vitamin B supplements. Surprisingly, it is broad demographically. We found people of all ages taking vitamin B. That meant we needed universally appealing complex packaging design

Research as a Custom Complex Packaging Design Firm

We also examined the supplement industry. Then we considered several direct competitors’ complex packaging designs from the USA. These two steps provided an intriguing list of market trends we needed to consider.

Bonus Challenge

The added challenge for this complex packaging design project came from the consumer. Since supplements are not certified to work, consumers are inherently distrustful. That meant we needed to assuage those fears through our complex packaging design.

Design Inspiration

All benefits of Orthofortin are brain-based. That made it our primary complex packaging design inspiration. We also wanted a complex packaging design that looked scientific, which sparks a feeling of security in the viewer.

Element Decisions

Since the supplement benefits are brain-based, we knew we wanted one on the complex packaging design. We let the team decide the rest of the complex packaging design elements during their process.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The creative design team produced several professional, complex packaging design concepts. We narrowed the designs first by how much sense each made. Then we compared the ideas based on visual appeal.


The Orthofortin representative loved the complex packaging design. The company quickly brought the complex packaging design to the market. Orthofortin recently emailed Stan Agency sindicating there was a sales bump following the packaging release.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom complex packaging design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed complex packaging design featured a blue brain prominently. This matched the ribbon color. We also used a series of fades so consumer eyes would read the other text correctly. We look forward to helping Orthofortin expand in the future.