OH! GANIC Packaging


  • Company:Oh! Ganic
  • Location:USA, Texas
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Environmental
  • 5.0 Review OH! GANIC Packaging 100+ Reviews


Oh! Ganic presented an intriguing problem to Stan Agency. The company creates sustainable kitchen products and sends them as a unit. It needed organic packaging design that matched company values and looked amazing. Stan Agency accepted the custom order.
Challenge Components
  • Niche market
  • Multiple products inside
  • Conveying story

Research as a Custom Organic Packaging Design Firm

Our initial research step was examining the organic and sustainable industries. This revealed market trends like studying some competitors’ organic packaging design. We knew we needed to emulate the natural appearance the sustainable sector uses.

Bonus Challenge

The added challenge with this organic packaging design project was the multiple products inside. This meant we couldn’t customize the packaging around the product. Instead, we needed to focus on the brand exclusively.

Design Inspiration

Our primary organic packaging design inspiration was the Oh! Ganic brand. The company had an existing natural appearance brand. We then considered the best ways to convey the company’s values.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The professional design team completed several organic packaging design concepts. We eliminated some ideas for complicated design. We then decided on the final design on visual appeal and simplicity.


The Oh! Ganic team was pleasantly surprised. The company quickly had the organic packaging design produced. Oh! Ganic recently shared how much positive customer feedback it received and how many conversations the design elements started.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom organic packaging design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed design featured the company logo and motto prominently. We designed the inside with a word cloud of what the company stands for. Most of the accent colors were natural green. We look forward to helping Oh! Ganic again.
OH! GANIC Packaging
OH! GANIC Packaging
OH! GANIC Packaging
OH! GANIC Packaging
OH! GANIC Packaging