NUMMY Packaging


  • Company:Nummy Foods Ltd
  • Location:USA, Washington
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Food & Drink
  • 5.0 Review NUMMY Packaging 100+ Reviews


Nummy brought a unique cute label design challenge to Stan Agency recently. The company sells vegan health foods and wanted a fantastic launch for its raw truffles. Stan Agency accepted the custom order and set our best design team to the task.
Challenge Components
  • Niche market
  • Conveying the meaning of niche-specific classifications
  • Differing flavors

Research as a Custom Label Design Firm

Our first process step involved researching the raw and vegan markets. This allowed us to sample the market trends for useful information. We also examined competitor packaging so we could better set Nummy’s product apart.

Bonus Challenge

The specific challenge of this project lay in the niche market. Raw, vegan, and protein are all relative terms. Consumers needed to understand if this product met their specific dietary concerns immediately. Otherwise, they would simply move on no matter what else was on the packaging.

Design Inspiration

The design inspiration came from many sources for this project. Snack and sweet packaging trends were an enormous source. We also looked at how raw products are advertised extensively. Plus, we needed to feature the product, or consumers would not buy it.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The label design team returned several cute concepts. We began narrowing the ideas with the branding guidelines. Then we moved into which represented the chic and cute feeling that Nummy wanted.


The Nummy team adored the cute final label designs. The company contracted a label printing company to complete the initial fulfillment, and a few weeks later, the truffles were on the market. Stan Agency recently received a note from Nummy indicating that sales figures were initially stable and then continued to rise.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • Three complete custom cute label designs
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The final cute label design featured half solid color and half print background. We also added images of the truffles. When we did the various flavors, we changed the solid color and truffle pictures. We look forward to working with Nummy again as the company grows.
NUMMY Packaging
NUMMY Packaging