• Company:Natural Way Snacks
  • Location:USA, Texas
  • Service:Packaging design
  • Category:Food & Drink
  • 5.0 Review NATURAL WAY Packaging 100+ Reviews


Snack Bars in the Middle East: A Growing Market

Snack bars aren’t just popular in the USA. Numerous Middle Eastern nations have seen sustained snack bar growth over the past several years.

In Saudi Arabia alone, it’s projected to increase by 12% over the next five years. In the United Arab Emirates, trends show it increasing 6.87% over the same period. Dozens of forward-thinking companies have seen this market opening and jumped at the opportunity to grab market share. Some compete by lowering their price beneath popular options. Other businesses have sought a nuts package design that helps push their product into the crowded market. Natural Way is one of those businesses.

Searching for Custom Nut Packaging Design

Natural Way came to Stan Agency needing a unique package concept that was tailored for the Middle East, showcased their product, and convinced consumers to buy. Long-term, they hoped to develop an entire line of snack bars, so they needed custom nut packaging design that could be tailored to fit the product. When they placed their order with us, they offered a handful of considerations…
  • Less concern was placed on creative, innovative style, focusing instead on showcasing the product itself.
  • Natural Way’s logo should be prominently featured, but it needn’t dictate the rest of the nut packaging design.
  • Though the initial ideas were focused on creating a quality cashew packaging design, they wanted a layout that could be changed into a peanut packaging design or a pistachio packaging design.
With these things in mind, we got to work.


Analyzing the Competition

Our process began with an advanced market analysis that clarified the target market and examined rival products, including their price point and use of color, design, and typography. We noted the common design threads within product packaging marketed in the Middle East, including their lack of strong, bold colors.

Crafting a Package Design that Sells

We used the information we gained during market research, along with Natural Way’s unique brand identity, to come up with a nut packaging design that met all of their goals. Our brief included several potential examples, ranging from modern and professional to slightly edgy. Eventually, Natural Way chose the design featured above.

It showcases the product in a variety of ways, uses bilingual text, and fits the Middle Eastern market perfectly, looking amazing without appearing garish.

How we did it…
  • The product is showcased in a variety of ways, including through the clear window in the center of the package and via images of included ingredients that adorn the rest of it.
  • Since the product was marketed toward consumers in the Middle East, bilingual text (English and Arabic) was used. This ensured maximum market reach.
  • Unobtrusive yet attractive colors were chosen that draw the eye without causing a strong reaction through color scheme alone.
  • A design was used that could easily be tailored for any snack bar product by altering the images, colors, and text. We crafted two varieties, based on Natural Way’s fruit and sesame snack bars.
Natural Way was able to enter the Middle Eastern snack bar market and make serious headway against a growing competition. Sales have continued to increase, and they are looking to add more flavors to their line. When they do, customizing this nut package design will be a simple task.