MASAROO Packaging


  • Company:Masaroo
  • Location:USA, NY
  • Service:Label design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review MASAROO Packaging 100+ Reviews


Masaroo brought Stan Agency a creative challenge for a new product label. The company creates skincare products, and it needed the perfect skincare label design for a new facial scrub line. Stan Agency accepted the custom order, and we began work immediately.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Legal labeling requirements
  • Consumer wariness

Research as a Custom Label Design Firm

Our first step was researching the skincare and facial scrub industries. This research helped us pinpoint market trends, particularly in the USA. Then we examined competitor packaging for patterns we wanted to avoid. The analysis allowed us to form a unique design perspective.

Bonus Challenge

Skincare label design is tricky, especially given consumer wariness. Most consumers are bombarded with messages regarding their faces every day. Then when they shop there are aisles of products. Since many of the products don’t work for everyone, this fosters a wariness of all products. We needed a skincare label design that reassured the consumer.

Design Inspiration

Masaroo uses a minimalist brand and advocates for better skincare products. We used that brand as the basis for our design. We also examined that product itself so we could accurately convey it. These distinct inspiration sources helped shape the final skincare label design immensely.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The label design team created several awesome concepts for this skincare product. We began the meeting by comparing the ideas to existing labels from Masaroo. Then we investigated which ideas stood out best on a shelf covered in other products.


The Masaroo team loved the elegant skincare label design. The company was able to produce the label quickly and begin using it on jars. A little while ago, Masaroo let a Stan Agency team member know that sales figures were robust.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom skincare label design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The completed skincare label design used minimalism heavily. We employed a small gradient as the background. Meanwhile, the branded text stands out on the background. We look forward to working with Masaroo again as the company expands.
MASAROO Packaging
MASAROO Packaging