Cerene Packaging


  • Company:Cerene
  • Location:USA, NY
  • Service:Branding, Packaging & Label design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review Cerene Packaging 100+ Reviews


Cerene brought its luxury CBD oil to Stan Agency in search of a custom package and label design. Marketing CBD can be tricky, especially if a company is in different markets. We took on the challenge of creating a respectable luxury label for this distinct product.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated niche market
  • Preconceptions about CBD
  • Creating a luxurious look

Research as a Custom Label and Packaging Firm

Our first step involves looking at the existing CBD labels in Cereneā€™s target market, the USA. Recent legislative changes have made CBD readily available in certain areas, while other areas do not have access. Existing luxury CBD packages and labels tend to use one of two themes, minimalist or medicinal, which made creating Cerene a creative custom label easier.

Bonus Challenge

There are many preconceptions around CBD, especially in the USA, following decades of the war on drugs. Part of creating Cereneā€™s luxury CBD custom label and packaging is addressing those concerns without taking away from the overall design. This explanation can be tricky, and there are also legal restrictions on it.

Design Inspiration

After examining competitor designs, we decided to brainstorm for Cereneā€™s packaging and label design. The team settles on emphasizing that Cereneā€™s CBD oil is both medicinal and luxury, setting it apart from more common CBD oils. The graphic design team got to work producing concept art with that theme.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

Once all the concepts were ready, we started working our way towards the final product. Since Cerene emphasizes natural with their product, we decided a more natural appearance on the outer box would fit best. Then we considered the custom label designs members of the group produced and adapted them to the box and bottle designs.


The result of this packaging and label design work is that Cerene has seen more sales. Customers are enjoying how the box design feels as well as the practical usability of the bottle.
Cerene has also seen more repeat customers, which is always useful.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom box design
  • One creative custom bottle label design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The result is a label that flows with both the box and bottle designs. This smoothness adds to the unique luxury feel of Cereneā€™s CBD oil when customers use it. We look forward to working with Cerene again as the company grows and expands its product offerings.
Cerene Packaging
Cerene Packaging
Cerene Packaging
Since Cerene emphasizes natural with their product, we decided a more natural appearance on the outer box would fit best.
Cerene Packaging