DOLOCAN Packaging


  • Company:Dolocan
  • Location:Switzerland
  • Service:Packaging & Label design
  • Category:Cosmetics & Beauty
  • 5.0 Review DOLOCAN Packaging 100+ Reviews


Our challenge was to create a modern label design that reflects Dolocan's medicinal and soothing aspect of CBD oil, rather than CBD oil usage in a recreational sense. Dolocan’s product was designed to soothe the consumer and assist them in healthy, herbal methods of relaxation, so creating an accurate modern label design that reflected its method of usage was crucial.
Therefore, it was essential that we create a cool label design to appeal to this customer base while remaining loyal to the Dolocan brand image.


Every design element included in Dolocan’s final modern label design was intentionally created to showcase a clean and professional product image that emphasized the natural components used in CBD oil. The target for this product was customers seeking reliable relaxation methods, which is reflected in the concepts created for Dolocan. Our modern label design takes a simple concept and turns it into an effective marketing opportunity that draws in a wide customer base.

The focus of the design elements

The focus of the design elements for the Dolocan label is placed on providing clarity. The modern label design is fresh and streamlined, focusing on readable font and an inviting color scheme. The contrast between the stark white and soothing blue hues used on the CBD oil label connotes a product that is refreshing and medicinal. All of the font used is easy to read and highlights the necessary information pertinent to consumers.

The graphic selection

Modern label design for products that fall under the medical category should be designed using understated marketing techniques. The effectiveness and quality of the product should be able to speak for itself, rather than rely on flashy marketing devices and over-the-top visual elements to assail potential customers. The graphic selection used inspiration from nature to create an appealing custom design that does not overwhelm, but rather gently acknowledges the rejuvenative power of Dolocan CBD oil.


The tagline “Swiss Purity” also ties in the design concepts of simplicity and soothing relaxation. The phrasing is short yet effective, actively conveying the refined quality of the CBD oil. Additionally, by emphasizing the origin of ingredients used in the product, consumers are more likely to trust the product, and therefore, the brand itself as well.

Like all of Stan Agency’s label designs, the Dolocan label design pricing is affordable and accessible, intended for a variety of different businesses.
DOLOCAN Packaging
DOLOCAN Packaging
DOLOCAN Packaging