Bono pizza Packaging
bono pizza

Creative Packaging Design


Companies like Bono Pizza always present our agency with a unique set of obstacles. Bono had a unique concept: classic frozen pizzas for connoisseurs where the quality of ingredients spoke for themselves. But they were trying to set themselves apart in the number one pizza market in the USA. The challenge: how to achieve notoriety via innovative creative packaging design.

Solving problems

Part of the problem was that some of their initial in-house ideas were a little more conventional. They wanted a custom trendy pizza box that would reflect the unique quality and vision of their brand. This tasty challenge was enough to get our own juices flowing to bear creative packaging design.


From the onset, we understood that Bono was trying to reach pizza connoisseurs who wanted to enjoy pizzas from home at a low cost. Their brand had to sell high quality at an affordable price. Classic color schemes are helpful in helping customers associate with flavors they’re familiar with, but we’ve all seen countless examples of creative frozen pizza package design with little red, white and green Italian flags.

Our decision

We decided to give Bono’s box a more American feel, setting the dynamic red and white against a deep blue background. To achieve a creative packaging design that would carry Bono’s vision in one brief glance, we set a couple of “pizza colored” glasses over a surprise-faced pizza connoisseur. Just below her reads the company’s tagline: “pizza purists.” The result was an amazing, professional look that advances Bono’s brand, helping them to best their competition.
Bono pizza Packaging
Bono pizza Packaging
Bono pizza Packaging