Meatz Packaging



Our pets are like family; Meatz premium dog food is the type of meal you’d want your furry family to be eating, rather than the flavorless dry blend commonly sold at pet stores. Our challenge for Meatz was to create the best pet product packaging design using attractive visual elements to convey the superiority of the premium dog food ingredients. Meatz is marketed towards dog owners searching for satisfying, health-conscious meals for their pets, offering additional vitamin supplements and a paleo diet to ensure the wellbeing of their dogs. The jar packaging design had to attract customers intentionally seeking high-quality dog food.


The finalized jar packaging design for Meatz was simple and bold, placing the focus on the pet. Pet product packaging designs market effectively when conveying the health and benefits offered by the product to the customers pet. Our innovative, professional packaging pet design for Meatz used straightforward graphics, solid colors, and a centrally positioned dog photograph to best communicate the key details of the product to consumers. This custom design pet food packaging used crisp and bold colors to catch attention. The simple black base of the jar packaging design is accented by white and blue trim and detailing. Critical information is easily displayed to customers using this innovative concept by letting the font pop out from the dark background. Specifically, dog food package design is most successful when highlighting the hearty benefits provided to the pets themselves. The concept for the Meatz jar packaging design is uncluttered and deliberately simple so that the vital information is easy to understand, even if pet owners are shopping quickly. Meatz is distinctive from other competitors due to the quality of ingredients used in the dog food itself. They do not sell just food; they market a meal that pets can enjoy. While other pet foods cannot claim to use all-natural, paleo ingredients in their product, the Meatz jar packaging design emphasizes the filling quality of the premium dog food. Our professional concept for the Meatz jar packaging design effectively communicates the high-quality, wholesome ingredients used to create the premium dog food to customers looking for a superior pet product that places taste and wellness first.
Meatz Packaging
Meatz Packaging
Meatz Packaging