Vitaglobal Packaging


  • Company:VitaGlobal Brands
  • Location:USA, NJ
  • Service:Branding, Packaging design
  • Category:Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 5.0 Review Vitaglobal Packaging 100+ Reviews


VitaGlobal presented a unique packaging design project to Stan Agency. They wanted to create a packaging design for CBD, which is a product of cannabis. Cannabis product packaging design can be complicated depending on the intended market and the legal status of marijuana within the region. The diverse requirements made this product a challenge.
Challenge Components
  • Saturated market
  • Preconceptions about CBD Isolate
  • Legal packaging requirements

Research as a Custom Packaging Design Company

Packaging marijuana products depends on the intended market, so we dug deep into VitaGlobal’s intended USA markets. The cannabis product we began designing for was a cream, which required distinct elements compared to the more common tinctures. The distinction meant we needed to work harder to find direct competitors for the research components.

Bonus Challenge

There are many preconceptions about CBD, especially in the USA, where there is an ongoing war on all drugs. We needed to convey that CBD is different from marijuana in the packaging design while still anticipating a piecemeal of legal package labeling requirements. Additionally, the packaging needed to be discreet for some consumers.

Design Inspiration

The design team decided to go for a clean and straightforward CBD packaging design. That left our team a lot of room to distinguish this cannabis product packaging design from its competitors, many of whom used bright colors or intricate packaging. We also decided to reimagine some of VitaGlobal’s existing packaging elements.

Narrowing Down the Final Options

The design team meeting for VitaGlobal’s marijuana product packaging design involved several advanced design plans. Initially, we examined the packaging designs for discretion. Then we moved into discovering the most attractive option for consumers. That’s where the bright white and pastel complement worked well.


VitaGlobal deployed the new packaging and immediately began receiving positive feedback. Consumers though the new cannabis packaging design was sophisticated and attractive. Accompanying this series of observations was an uptick in sales and requests for more products from stores.

The Deliverable

The Final Package:
  • One complete custom box design
  • One creative custom jar design
  • Separate package design elements for reuse
The final packaging featured a white base with pastel rainbow accents. We used the rainbow accents to draw attention to the label while still maintaining the brand’s signature blue color in other locations. We also carried the rainbow through to the jar design. We look forward to working with VitaGlobal as its product offerings expand.
Vitaglobal Packaging
Vitaglobal Packaging
Vitaglobal Packaging