Royale Crafts | Order #1 Personal Branding | Branding Agency Branding


Royale Crafts brings creative, natural wood accessories to the world. No two pieces are alike, just like the company’s concept customers or branding designs.

brand logo

brand story

Royale Crafts began with a simple inspiration, the natural world. The company started with an innovative high quality yet functional approach to the products, all of which use wood. Over time, people outside of the local community began discovering the amazing product Royale Crafts puts out. That led to rapid expansion, but the company kept to its creative roots. Eventually, Royale Crafts brought in branding design elements to set it apart from personal branding. This shift helped the unique company beat trends and established itself as an international name.

brand identity

brand values



Stan Branding Design Agency

Brand Identity

Royale Crafts produces unique, natural products, so a slight contract from the products was warranted. Royale Crafts chose an experienced branding agency that was able to combine their natural products with sophisticated elements like dark colors and clean lines. 

The contrast offers the brand a high-value feel to compliment the unique nature of each product sold by Royale Crafts. It also helps the company speak to their customers, who like the elegant feel of each product.

Brand Values

Functional – All Royale Crafts products are functional within a home and hold up to the regular use of a more standardized piece.

High Quality – Royale Crafts focuses on artisanship above all else, from the materials to the technique to customer service.

Natural – Royale Crafts responsibly sources all materials and respects their natural beauty throughout the process.

Unique – Every piece Royale Crafts makes is unique, creating a custom feel for each piece and enhancing homes.

Brand Positioning

Royale Crafts products place it more on the market’s luxury side than similar product types. The uniqueness and custom nature of the products ensure that the brand remains in this position.

With this in mind, Royale Crafts’ brand building focused on enhancing the perception that the company delivered luxurious products perfect for discerning consumers. Understanding this helped develop the sophisticated feel.

Everything was designed to inspire a feeling of luxury even though each product is designed for function, from the simple oak leaf to the natural colors to the sophisticated marketing materials.

Brand Targeting

Stan Branding conducted extensive research to find out more about who purchased Royale Crafts’ products before, in addition to identifying new markets that the goods could move into with solid growth potential.

As part of the branding package, Royale Crafts received ideal client profiles likely to respond to the brand. These focused on middle-aged adults who wanted unique pieces in their homes and innovative approaches to providing that.

Brand Voice

Royale Crafts speaks with an authoritative voice while maintaining a down-to-earth feel for consumers that matches the product line. With this voice, Royale Crafts can meet new customers in the broader market.

The Royale Crafts voice is slightly more formal but practical. There are few jokes, and humor is used sparingly to maximize the consistency of the brand.

Brand Vision

Royale Craft will provide high-quality, unique pieces of natural art that inspire people to live closer to nature.
